Well, it is official, well it has been, and I think I mentioned it before but I don’t reread past posts, call me lazy. I am Stage IV, thought I give a little over all explanation, or Wiki could.
There is more to the explanation, but it is a simple explanation and most can understand it. Overall it gives a brief explanation of stage grouping.
Overall Stage Grouping is also referred to as Roman Numeral Staging. This system uses numerals I, II, III, and IV (plus the 0) to describe the progression of cancer.
Stage 0 carcinoma in situ.
Stage I cancers are localized to one part of the body.
Stage II cancers are locally advanced.
Stage III cancers are also locally advanced. Whether a cancer is designated as Stage II or Stage III can depend on the specific type of cancer; for example, in Hodgkin's disease, Stage II indicates affected lymph nodes on only one side of the diaphragm, whereas Stage III indicates affected lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm. The specific criteria for Stages II and III therefore differ according to diagnosis.
Stage IV cancers have often metastasized, or spread to other organs or throughout the body.
So you see just because they say Stage IV doesn’t mean you can’t beat it. Stage IV means you have a bigger fight ahead of yourself.
And yes, I am back in the hospital again. This time for dehydration (hydration is very important for those who are healthy and those who aren’t) nausea is a bugger but it was back, and of course you know those red and whites counts went into the thank, they are still having a hard time finding the white cells.
Oh yeah the potassium is something not to take for granted either, it helps regulates you heartbeat I think, anyway it was low enough for me to end up on the second floor of Mary Washington. The area I am in is the step down unit of the ICU. Let me tell you their treatment is just as stellar and the Nurses on Four.
While I have been in here I received a Platlet transfusuion, went OK for up till it was almost over, then I got hit with a side affect, I started to feel like I was freezing, shaking, could only breath out of my mouth, literally pulled the cover over my head teeth chattering, bone cold, couldn’t get warm.
The nurses were there on the spot, got the drugs on line to help me fight the side effects, and got me warm, trust me I made the night exciting for them, the good think about the experience is that the heart stayed in sinus rhythm. That would have added more excitement. More excitement I can do without.
Oh and Riley wants you to vote for her picture she says she use the $500 for me to help with cleaning up the carpets and stuff I need (Riley is Jasmine’s dog). Here is a link to her facebook post.