Monday, September 25, 2017

Time Awareness

Since 2003 I have been more aware of time.  I mean when you read in your medical records that they had to resuscitate you during an emergency surgery, it makes it more time aware.

But like most people, during the years the of time's passing, faded into the background.  I was still more aware of it, but over the eight years in between bouts of cancer, it didn't stand as far in the foreground.

Even with the recurrences in 2011, 2013, shit to be honest, I don't remember the years at the moment.  Only that there have been a total of six bouts (counting this one).  Time kept marching on ticking, and I kept the awareness in the back of my mind like a whisper of a distant memory.

Yes, I took on things I wouldn't have normally, well, I would have but not put them off.  Jumping from a perfectly good plane for example.  Realizing I really do like to camp.  Taking more joy and peace from the simple act of having coffee on the deck, to the smells of fall.  I was more aware, but not time aware.

Even when they discovered the cancer spread to the colon back in May, and I first heard the word terminal, my time awareness wasn't in the foreground.  It crept closer to the front, but stayed in the hub bub of my mess of a thousand browser tabs opened mind.

When I talked to Doctor Vaughn and asked about approximate time frame.  He got this look on his face (he really didn't want to label it) he said 12 to 18 months.  He encouraged me to start racking up the credit cards and living.  Same thing that Doctor King did in May.  I really don't think that is a good sign. (And I don't think they realize that being unemployed with  no income, makes making minimum payments a bit difficult, borrow from Peter to pay Paul.)

Time Awareness came to the forefront, saying I have always been here, you have listened, but not as you should have.

So a "Fuck it" trip was planned.  Roma, Napoli, and Paris with my son Jim, my daughter Jasmine, and Jim's girl Liz.  I really wish Liz could have been with us the entire trip.  It was amazing.

My younger sister Addie, came to Virginia to give me a hand.  Right after getting back from Europe, literally the next day, I started a new chemo treatment.  Wasn't my brightest idea.  And I started having problems with my left leg, the one with no hamstring.  She left on Friday, and Saturday Jasmine came down.

What adventures did my sister and I go on?  Running to Home Depot, Lowe's (I am not doing any home remodeling - that is a story in itself) , eat, and watch the Twilight movies.  Not that I ever wanted to see all of them, I mean, whiny girl, meets whiny guy, who is a vampire and you know the rest.  But the point is I enjoyed it because of the company of my sister.  Watching movies is something we never did when we were younger, and that simple thing made a great memory.

Yesterday while Jasmine was here a friend of hers called, she was telling Rachel about the trip.  The dancing joy in her eyes, and in her voice, the laughter when she told her about the "work of art donation" made me smile.  I loved hearing her point of view of it.  It made me happy to hear her joy and the memories.

Time Awareness, my new best friend kicked in; big time.

Insomnia last.  Really bad.  Everything I want to do ran through my head, things I need to get done, things I need to organize.

You are thinking, what new adventure is she trying to put together on a budget of air, smiles, wishes and dreams.

No, I am thinking of calls I need to make, appointments I need to make, what house work needs done.  How am I going to get the weeds in the back pulled, blowing the leaves off the patio.  Power washing the patio.  Cleaning the house.  Cleaning and detailing my car.  Taking my car for an oil change, tire rotation, inspection. What little projects in this house that need completed. Pictures I need to go through, what ones I want to get on glass, what ones go in a book. Posts I want to do.  Not one thought was for what is my next adventure.  Just everyday things.

Unloading the dishwasher, thinking I need to be doing this, then that.  Being so aware that time is marching on, and things that need done aren't done.

Ok, now you are saying don't worry about everyday things, but here is the thing, a very clean house is important to me.  Making sure a project gets done right is important to me.  Paying bills (although it is borrow from Peter to pay Paul thing) is important to me.  Shit, I'd like to have a job, but so far that isn't working out.  So for me it is what income?  Oh, and start an art project and maybe even find a gallery to have a show.  Art by the terminal or some shit like that.

They aren't huge things, but they mean something to me.

I feel time slipping away.

Everyday things in life have taken on a new meaning to me, and time is marching on.  Time is marching on and I can't stop it.  Cancer is going to kill me, and every day I am becoming more Time Aware.

Tick tock, tick tock, life is slipping away.

Are you Time Aware?

Please feel free to share your thoughts.


  1. Yes. Timing in life is everything, but it doesn't belong to us. Time belongs to the Lord...and therefore, I remind myself daily when I'm feeling stressed and anxious about deadlines, etc........I don't own time, He does. Life will be lived, in His time, not mine.

  2. ...let me amend that. Credit Card companies and utilities, and time restraints, is a whole new ball game. lol
