Monday, October 2, 2017

Being Termnal or Having an Expiration Date

Many people are uncomfortable with the fact I am open with the fact I have an expiration date.  That is unfortunate.  They seem to miss the in-between.

What do I mean in-between?  The in-between time from finding out you are going to die with an approximate time frame to the point where you actually check out of this life.

I guess people don't know what to expect.  I think they seem to expect me to be weak, and feeble.   When they see me, they see someone who looks healthy.  Ok, well maybe a bit anorexic (down to 105 pounds) yeah I do have some dark circles under my eyes.

Sometimes I get the feeling they want to ask questions, but don't want to offend or are afraid of the answers.

Personally I wish people would ask questions.  Questions make you think, and if you think you can solve things.


  1. Wow I do understand the feeling of expiration date and people feeling uncomfortable with that. For me its accepting that my life has been shortened but enjoying the moment. Being able to talk and be ok with the shortness of my life is important to me. I try to make people comfortable who give me the death stare or the poor me stare...Neither are necessary as I am alive and enjoying it. I grapple to find those that can accept my destination and do things with me without somehow feeling awkward or that I am week. I am fine...I just have that visiable "expiration" stamp thats all! thanks for posting

  2. It is amazing that stare. Then I tell them better me than a child. People have no copping mechanism for someone that is terminal. We have our bad days, but I tend to hide the worst of it. Most of the time, mainly because it is just me over thinking simple things. I just want people to read this and start living life, even if the one thing they do for themselves is to sit quietly and listen to the wind while sipping coffee, tea or what ever they enjoy. Keep enjoying the adventure of the journey. Remember it is all about getting to the end and saying what a rush, let's do it again!
