Yes, dance. If you think about it, life is a dance, sometimes a dance that is graceful and beautiful, sometimes it is clumsy and we fall on our asses. But hopefully we learn from our falls and become better individuals for the fall.
Don't expect to read posts on the poor me side, don't expect regular posts, I tend to get distracted - oh look shiny!! :D
What you will find here are my experiences in dealing with the past and current cancer, how it affects me personally, and how I see it affect those around me.
Trust me it affects your friends and family more than you realize. I think it is hardest on them.
A short first post to be sure, but I need to take my dogs out to go potty. Yes, I have two dogs, and I will NOT give them up. I have given up many things, but I will not give them up. Although, I will have to give up cleaning the poop up in the potty spot in the yard.
So sit back relax, and expect to read things that make you say, "Did she really type that? or say that?" Trust me, I did.
Ferret Lady, distracted by a shiny? NEVAR!