Monday, June 13, 2011

Cancer is Harder on Family and Friends

Yes you read that right.  Cancer is harder on family and friends.  Well think about it, and remember this is MY blog and My point of view, some think I am a bit warped.

But as the Cancer patient all I have to do is deal with the treatment, side effects and surgeries.  I can put my energy in to the fight.

Friends and family watch what the cancer does to the patient.  The chemo, the poison that is pumped into your body causes nausea, your hair to fall out, immune system to crash, surgeries.  They watch that, they want to do something, but really don't know what.  I mean, come on, all I got to do is puke, they watch and worry.

They want to do something, but don't know what, they are scared, frightened and don't want to think about the possible negative outcome. No one wants to think about the negative outcome.  No one wants to be accepting of death.

So what can they do?  Well, one thing is they can find support groups from the various cancer organizations out there, it does  help to vent.  Ask the doctor's office if they know of any groups, ask the hospitals social worker what is offered for the family support group of the patient.

This shit plays  havoc with the patients emotions, it plays even more havoc on the family and friends.
But the most important thing that they can do is be honest with the cancer patient.  Don't always try to put on that brave happy face.  We see through it.  Talk, express your concerns, how you feel, ask them how they feel.  You will end up crying together and end up laughing.  Expression of those emotions are exhausting, but it does help.  Trust me.  Try it.

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