Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day Three, Cycle One, Third Dance

I'm cold.  I have a vest on and a wrap and I am still cold.  May put my jacket on.

Anyway, this day is finding me puffy like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.  Even the ice on the eyes to reduce puffiness didn't  help. 

Since Tuesday, I have put on 9 pounds in water weight.  Can you say it is time for Lasix?  I knew you could.

The nausea is a bit worse this time around, and the fog is showing up.  As long as I am in no hurry to get the thought down or do something it works out.  Tired too after treatment, but I'm wondering if it is just because I am tired, or the nausea, I tend to want to sleep when I am nauseated. 

I thought I was on a cycle of one week of chemo and three weeks off, but looking at the list of appointments, it is one week on and two weeks off.  The next schedule is the 25th.  I'll have to double check on that.  Either way you look at it, it is still a lot of chemo.

Thoughts are drifting, time to save this as a draft and come back later.

Well it is later and I don't have any great insights to this mess.  I'm tired and I want my fresh brewed Dunkin' Doughnuts coffee from my kcup. 

Only about an hour to go, getting done a bit earlier today, tomorrow will be earlier.  Then two days to get my head together  for work.

Today isn't the most positive day, I feel run down.  Hey at least I have time to dig through the family tree when I feel up to it.

See you on the flip side.

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